Work Experience & Attachments:
- Clinical associate BND Onco Centre. (2018)
- Senior resident in the department of internal medicine, MGM medical college and hospital. (2018)
- Clinical Associate in the department of medical Oncology at P. D. Hinduja Hospital Mumbai. (2022- June to December)
- Consultant medical oncologist at BND Onco Centre
- Consultant medical oncologist at Global Hospital, Parel, Mumbai.
- Consultant medical oncologist at B.D Petit Parsi General Hospital, Mumbai.
- Consultant medical oncologist at Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai.
- Consultant medical oncologist at S. L Raheja Mahim- Fortis.
M.B.B.S, M.D Internal Medicine, DrNB – Medical Oncology
- First place in a poster presentation at MEDICON Maharashtra – a state-level medical conference.
- All India Rank 58 in the NEET Super Specialty Medical Oncology examination.
- Second place in the India Medical Oncology Quiz held by the Indian Cooperative Oncology Network.
- Recipient of International Cancer Foundation ESMO PARIS – 2022 scholarship.
- On the board of editorial members of the ‘SCIENCE PUBLISHING GROUP, ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK’.
- Honorary reviewer at the Ochsner Journal Louisiana (a pubmed indexed peer-reviewed journal).
- Recipient of the International Cancer Foundation scholarship for ESMO ASIA 2022 Congress.
- Completed ESMO advanced course on NTRK Gene Fusions in December 2022.
- Sponsored by ICF to attend the ESMO Immuno-Oncology Conference 2022.
- Speaker at Precision Oncology workshop Mumbai, by foundation medicine-USA.
- European society of medical oncology (ESMO).
- American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
- European Society of Gynec Oncology (ESGO).
- Société Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique / International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) – Switzerland.
- Cryotherapy and its effect on paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy – a self-controlled prospective study
- Agranulocytosis: A Rare Complication and Management Paradox. Dhabhar JB, Khare J and Ghanekar J. – Open Access Journal of Endocrinology vol. 2 issue
- Rosai Dorfman Syndrome (Sinus Histiocytosis with Massive Lymphadenopathy). Dhabhar JB, Ghanekar J.- journal of medical science and clinical research.
- Complications, mortality and scoring systems in liver cirrhosis. Bavikar P, Dhabhar JB, Yewale R, Ghanekar J. – Paripex Indian journal of research.
- Clinical profile of chronic kidney disease in a tertiary care center. Dhabhar JB, shahi S, Ghanekar J.- paripex Indian journal of research.
- Sheehan’s Syndrome: A Delayed Diagnosis. Dr.Vishavdeep Jain, Dr. Jeyhan Dhabhar, Dr.Arpan Chouhan Journal Name: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.
- The effects of microcytic hypochromic anemia on HBA1C in non-diabetics Dr. Jeyhan Dhabhar, Dr. Aakash Barad, Dr Jaishree Ghanekar.- journal of medical science and clinical research.
- A Profile of Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis and Its Variants in Cases of Liver Cirrhosis. Dr Jeyhan Dhabhar Dr Rohan Yewale, Dr Jaishree Ghanekar.
- Unprovoked venous thromboembolism in a Young Adult. Jeyhan Dhabhar, Varshil Mehta, Nimit Desai, Sameer Dawoodi, Sojib Bin Zaman. F1000 research (PubMed indexed).
- Optic Neuritis After a Snakebite: A Diagnostic Dilemma. Jeyhan Dhabhar, MD, Varshil Mehta, MBBS, Nimit Desai, MD, Ochsner Journal 21:90–92, 2021