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What is a Hysterectomy?
Hysterectomy is the surgical procedure of removing one or both uterus of a female. It may involve partial or complete removal of the tissues in the uterus or organs in the surrounding areas. There are many reasons to opt for a hysterectomy treatment, which include uterine fibroids, abnormal bleeding, and even cancer.
Depending on the reason(s) for Hysterectomy, this operation may include the removal of tissues or even organs such as the fallopian tubes or ovaries. After a hysterectomy is done, menstruation stops, and the woman cannot get pregnant anymore.
Renowned Hysterectomy Surgeons
at Wockhardt Hospitals
- Mumbai Central
- Mira Road
- Nagpur
- Rajkot
Signs and Symptoms of Hysterectomy
A hysterectomy surgery may be performed to treat and manage a number of symptoms. These may include:
- Abnormal or heavy vaginal bleeding that cannot be managed through other methods.
- Severe pain during menstruation that cannot be managed by other methods of treatment.
- Problems of the uterine lining, such as Hyperplasia, recurrent uterine polyps, or Adenomyosis.
- Uterine fibroids
- Uterine prolapse
- Cervical or uterine cancer
- Persistent pelvic pain caused due to problems with the uterus but cannot be managed by other treatment methods
Types of Hysterectomy
There are various hysterectomy treatment options, and the right treatment may be recommended by the attending doctor, depending on the need for the hysterectomy operation. The different hysterectomy treatment methods at Wockhardt Hospitals include:
- Total Hysterectomy: It involves the removal of the uterus and cervix, except the ovaries
- Supracervical Hysterectomy: It includes the removal of the upper part of the uterus without operating on the cervix
- Total Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy: Removal of the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes (salpingectomy), and ovaries (oophorectomy)
- Radical Hysterectomy with Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy: Involves removal of the uterus along with the cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, as well as the upper part of the vagina and some of the surrounding tissue & lymph nodes. This is usually performed in case of cancer.
Other treatment methods may be tried before Hysterectomy is performed to try and manage the symptoms of related problems such as anemia after a period. If the problems cannot be managed through other forms of treatment, Hysterectomy may be recommended.
When is Hysterectomy Diagnosed?
Before hysterectomy surgery may be decided upon, certain tests may need to be performed to ascertain the need for the surgery. The patient may be asked for medical history, and the doctor may perform a physical examination and other tests such as:
- Pap Smear
- Biopsy of the Uterine Lining (Endometrium)
- Pelvic Ultrasound
- Pelvic CT Scan
Other treatment methods may be tried before Hysterectomy is performed to try and manage the symptoms of related problems such as anemia after a period. If the problems cannot be managed through other forms of treatment, Hysterectomy may be recommended.
How is Hysterectomy Surgery Performed?
Traditionally, hysterectomy surgery is performed through an incision in the stomach (Abdominal Hysterectomy). Nowadays, most hysterectomy surgeries are performed using Laparoscopic Assisted or Vaginal Hysterectomy, which ensures minimal incision and faster recovery. Hysterectomy can also be performed by total laparoscopic route which gives the fastest recovery.
Before Procedure?
Before the doctor determines hysterectomy surgery is the accurate course of treatment, certain tests may need to be performed for cancer and other diseases. Preparing for the surgery may not need much except for taking good care of the vagina until the day of surgery.
During Procedure?
A hysterectomy is usually performed under general anesthesia, implying that you may not be awake during the surgery. The hysterectomy operation lasts about 1 or 2 hours. A catheter may be attached, and you may be under antibiotic medications to fend off infections. During the procedure, a horizontal or vertical incision may be made depending on the type of hysterectomy surgery required. There are several approaches to the hysterectomy operation which may include:
- Vaginal Hysterectomy: The uterus is removed via an incision made above the vagina. This method is considered to be the safest and most reliable.
- Laparoscopic Hysterectomy:A laparoscope (thin tube with a video camera on the head) is inserted through a belly button incision. The uterus may be removed through the abdomen or the vagina. Recovery is faster than Abdominal Hysterectomy. The entire surgery is performed through key hole cuts.
- Robot-Assisted Laparoscopic Hysterectomy:The laparoscope helps view the area around the pelvis. Three or four small incisions using a robotic machine may help remove the uterus. Recovery is similar to laparoscopic Hysterectomy.
- Abdominal Hysterectomy: Bigger incisions are made in the abdomen to remove the uterus, usually performed in case of cancer. This method is highly effective, yet it requires longer hospital stays.
After Procedure?
After the hysterectomy procedure is performed, you may still be kept under observation to look for complications for a few hours in the hospital. You may go home on the same day of the surgery in case of total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy. In the case of Abdominal Hysterectomy, the recovery period may be longer. The attending doctor will let you know various medical complications after the surgery and ways to avoid them.
Recovery After Hysterectomy
Although Hysterectomy is not a major surgery, removing your uterus may make you feel exhausted. During the recovery period, you may benefit from engaging in self-care and following the doctor’s instructions for proper recovery. You should also:
- Get ample sleep
- Stay active and exercise
- Not lift anything heavy until full recovery
- Wait at least six to twelve weeks before resuming sexual activities.
- You can repeat the dialysis process in the same way again, whenever recommended.
Risk Factors for Hysterectomy
Hysterectomy surgery is generally considered to be safe; however, certain risk factors may be present, which may include:
- Infection
- Excessive bleeding during surgery
- Blood clots
- Damage to the urinary tract, bladder, rectum, or other pelvic structures during surgery.
The chances of facing the above risks are minimal to zero at Wockhardt Hospitals, where we inculcate the patient-centric approach. Our highly experienced medical professionals use the most advanced tools & equipment to reap the best possible results with the least complications.