Prostate Cancer- Why is Screening So Important? - Wockhardt

Prostate Cancer- Why is Screening So Important?

Prostate Cancer- one of the most common cancers in male is also the one which is diagnosed mostly when it is already quite late. As the cancer is not having early signs and symptoms, the diagnosis often gets delayed having an adverse affect on heaths of patients. 

Dr. Uday Chandankhede, Consultant- Uro-Onco Surgeon, Wockhardt Hospitals in Nagpur informs about the disease under hospital’s- Patient Education Initiative. 

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. It is about the size of a walnut and surrounds part of the urethra (the tube that empties urine from the bladder). 

Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer in males worldwide as well as the most common cause of cancer-related death. There is a steady rise in its incidence in India, which puts it as the 9th most prevalent cancer.

The incidence of the disease increases after 40 years of age, and most people are diagnosed between 60 and 70 years of age. Unfortunately, prostate cancer usually has no early warning signs, so it can remain unnoticed for quite some time. For this reason, screening for prostate cancer is so important for all men. It is recommended to have a simple screening procedure after 50 years of age with measurement of blood prostate-specific antigen levels (PSA), and if indicated, a rectal examination of the prostate, with your doctor. The screening age is 45 years for those with a family history of prostate cancer and other types of cancer treatment in India.

Early in the course of the disease, a patient may not have any symptoms or may have mild symptoms similar to benign prostatic obstruction, such as increased frequency of urination during the day, night, and slower urine flow. When these symptoms go unnoticed, patients may develop metastatic disease, which means cancer has spread to other organs. In advanced stages, patients will have blood in the urine, urinary retention, perineal pain, backaches, and other bony pain. In this scenario, a complete cancer cure is not possible.

In our country where the proper awareness regarding health issues is lacking, most of the patients are diagnosed in the late stages where the treatment options are limited with chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. The complete cure of early-stage cancer can sometimes be achieved with surgery or radiation therapy or both is required in some scenarios.  

For prevention of prostate cancer, eat a healthy diet full of vegetables and fruits, exercise regularly, and avoid excessive fat, red meat, alcohol, and smoking. Last but not the least, screening for prostate cancer in case of lower urinary tract symptoms and age more than 50 years, family history of prostate cancer, and age more than 45 years.

Dr. Uday Chandankhede
Consultant- Uro-Onco Surgeon
Wockhardt Hospitals, Nagpur


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