Get a diabetes health checkup package in Rajkot for just ₹1760. Book an appointment now on 7405174051 at Wockhardt Hospitals in Rajkot.


Include All Tests in the Above Package






Age group

All age group

Rising diabetes cases in India, particularly in urban areas, pose a growing concern. The trend highlights the need for increased awareness and prevention measures. Blood sugar or glucose levels that are too high can lead to insulin resistance and high metabolic demand. Some of the causes include an unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits. Other health issues like obesity or heart disease may also be prompted by the rising blood sugar levels.

Wockhardt Hospital offers top-notch healthcare packages in the comfort of your own home, so there is no need to worry. Diabetes Treatment & health checkup in Rajkot is strongly advised for those who have been diagnosed with the disease in order to monitor their blood sugar levels and to screen for common complications like kidney failure, vision issues, cardiac issues, and liver issues. In order to receive an effective treatment plan, regular tracking of diabetes and related conditions is essential.

This program is specially designed for diabetes. It includes the evaluation of the current diabetes status as well as detects the complications due to diabetes.

This package provides important tests like:
  • HbA1c
  • Hematocrit
  • Differential Count, ESR
  • Blood Sugar (Fasting & PP)
  • Urine Sugar Fasting
  • Random Blood Sugar
  • Urine Sugar P.P
  • Urine Acetone P.P
  • Cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol
  • VDL Cholesterol
  • VLDL Cholesterol
  • Cholesterol Ratio
  • Triglycerides
  • Urine Acetone Fasting
  • Serum Creatinine
  • Blood Urea
  • Serum Uric Acid
  • Serum Calcium
  • Urine Routine
  • ECG
  • Physician Consultation
  • Ophthalmologist Consultation
  • Dental Checkup
  • Pediatric
  • Orthopedic
  • Dietician

This diabetes health checkup package in Rajkot is ideal for men and women of all age groups.

Guidelines for Diabetes Health Package in Rajkot

To ensure that you receive accurate test results, you must follow specific instructions and safety precautions prior to having your health examined:

Prior Appointment is Mandatory

No medication, alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco or any liquid (except water) in the morning. He/she should be fasting for 10-12 Hours before the Check-up.

Please bring your medical prescriptions and medical records

Inform wellness reception, if you have a history of diabetes or cardiac problems

Pregnant women or those who suspect a pregnancy are advised not to undergo X-Ray tests

Please wear two-piece comfortable clothes and sandals, as far as possible

Why Book With Us?

Finest diagnostic facility in India
Affordable high-quality healthcare with accurate and rapid results.

How Does Diabetes Health Checkup Works in Rajkot?

Explore Our Health
Check-Up Packages

Premium Health Checkup -Rajkot Premium Health Checkup
Executive Health Checkup -Rajkot Executive Health Checkup
Cardiac Health Checkup -Rajkot Cardiac Health Checkup
Diabetes Health Checkup -Rajkot Diabetes Health Checkup
Senior Citizen Health Checkup  -Rajkot Senior Citizen Health Checkup
Women Health Checkup -Rajkot Women Health Checkup
Child Health Checkup -Rajkot Child Health Checkup
Basic Health Checkup -Rajkot Basic Health Checkup


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