Alzheimer Disease: 7 Warning Signs And Symptoms in Elders That Shouldn’t be Ignore | Wockhardt Hospitals

Alzheimer Disease: 7 Warning Signs And Symptoms in Elders That Shouldn’t be Ignore

Age-related mild forgetfulness might be a regular phenomenon. If you have trouble remembering someone’s name but remember it afterward, it’s not a serious memory impairment. However, memory issues might be early indicators of Alzheimer’s disease if they significantly impact your everyday life. Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disorder, many individuals mistakenly think that it is a natural part of aging. Because of this mindset, many of us end up ignoring the early warning signs that our brains might be sending out. Here are seven signs early signs that a prospective Alzheimer’s patient may have that you shouldn’t miss.

  1. Loss of memory during daily life tasks: You could forget about a Zoom meeting that is arranged or struggle to recall the name of someone you met recently. However, a person with Alzheimer’s disease will forget discussions or incidents and won’t recall them at all in the future.
  2. Loss of capacity to solve problems: While anybody may make a mistake in a mathematical calculation, persons with Alzheimer’s may have difficulty following instructions or lose the ability to perform simple activities that they previously mastered. They can lose interest in games they used to like or become baffled by complicated directions.
  3. Confusion on the timings and locations: Alzheimer’s patients may misplace their way home or become lost in familiar areas. They can be uncertain of the time of day and what is acceptable at that moment. They could dress in improper attire during such conditions.
  4. Limitations in Languages. Alzheimer’s patients may become disoriented in the middle of a discussion, forget words, or have difficulty putting sentences together. They could struggle to read. While occasionally having trouble finding the right words is common, persistent language problems can be an indication of dementia.
  5. Misplacing things: Many of us unintentionally drop things and then have to go back and find them. Alzheimer’s patients may be unable to follow in their own footsteps or they may accuse others of stealing items they have placed in unexpected places. One of the initial symptoms of Alzheimer’s is the placement of things in unexpected locations.
  6. Poor judgment skills: People with Alzheimer’s disease may struggle with money management, quit keeping themselves clean, or take risky actions. They can leave the stove on or act inappropriately in social settings.
  7. Changes in personality or character: Some Alzheimer’s patients have personality changes. They could stop being as sociable as they once were, or they can act irrationally or become impatient. Some Alzheimer’s sufferers get hostile or start to roam.

Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms and get your physical, as well as mental health, examined. They will review your medical history and conduct a mental status examination to assess your memory, problem-solving abilities, and capacity for simple logic. They might perform blood or brain imaging tests as well. It’s time to consult a doctor if you notice these changes in a loved one or yourself. Have a discussion with them about going to the doctor together. Ask your primary care physician or internal medicine specialist about dementia.

Dr. Pavan Pai
Consultant Interventional Neurologist and Stroke Specialist
Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road

To book an appointment call: +918108101104


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