How to Use Mustard Oil For Hair & Know its Benefits | Wockhardt Hospitals

How to Use Mustard Oil For Hair

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Mustard Oil For Hair

How to Use Mustard Oil For Hair: Growing up in Indian homes, we do not have to offer mustard oil, aka Sarson’s Tale. From making our mango pickle to enhancing the taste of our mutton curry and fish fry, mustard oil has given us many memories.

Recall those childhood days when your mother used to sit and massage your scalp with oil every Sunday during the winter as you watch your favorite TV show. To protect your body from cold and cough, mustard oil is rich in beneficial properties to enhance immunity and strengthen hair roots and nourish the skin.

As we grow older, many of us follow the same Sunday hair care routine our mothers encourage. However, if you feel that city life and hectic schedules, pollution, and lack of proper care have reduced your beloved stress and become lifeless, Femina wellness experts would recommend using mustard oil. 

Even mustard oil is used in many foods. Its thick consistency and pungent odor outperform some people. However, if you go away from these shortcomings, mustard oil is great for your shiny locks. “These properties of mustard oil make it a trendy and in-demand ingredient in hair care. You can safely use mustard oil on your hair for black hair, fighting dandruff. It can increase. It can help remove and prevent gray hair.’

Benefits Of Mustard Oil For Hair

Confronting Child Issues? Then mustard oil is just the nectar you are waiting for. It has many benefits for the health of hair and scalp. “Mustard oil has omega 3 acids,  omega 6 fatty acids, and vitamin E and antioxidants, increasing its benefits manifold.

Mustard oil is used as a sunscreen, treating chapped lips, a natural stimulant for the body, whitening teeth, fighting colds and flu, and reducing muscle tension, tan and black Removing spots and lightening skin tone, etc.

1. Natural Conditioner

Enriched with alpha fatty acids, which help maintain your hair’s moisture, and keep your hair fresh and bouncy, mustard oil is a natural conditioner that makes your hair soft, smooth, silky, and supple.

2. Nourishes Hair

Today, many people suffer hair loss and hair thinning, usually when our hair follicles are poorly nourished and not damaged. However, if you regularly massage your hair follicles with mustard oil, you can get your hair’s strength and shine.

3. Full Of Minerals, Vitamins And Antioxidants

Do you know that mustard oil is an excellent source of antioxidants and iron, magnesium, calcium, and vitamins such as A, D, E, and K? This pungent hair oil is also made from the goodness of zinc beta-carotene. , And selenium. Stuffed, which encourages hair growth and helps maintain untimely gray hair.

4. Boosts Blood Circulation

Many hair experts claim that the main reason for hair loss and thinning of hair is the nourishment of their roots. If you want your lame to regain life, use mustard oil for hair massage. Dietician and nutritionist Amrin Sheikh of Wockhardt Hospital Mumbai Central says, “It is a natural stimulant. When massaged on the scalp, it stimulates the circulatory system to improve blood circulation.”

The best way to apply it is to heat the oil with some cloves and gently massage your hair using fingers. 

5. Promotes Hair Growth

Regular massage of hair using mustard oil will make your hair soft, shiny, and healthy. Since it is rich in antioxidants and many other nutrients, mustard oil stimulates rapid hair growth.

6. Anti-Fungal Properties

Mustard oil has high uric acid content. It also contains ALA content, which helps cleanse your scalp and eliminate bacteria and fungi that block hair follicles and build upon the scalp.

7. Prevents Dandruff

mustard oil has rich in antioxidants and anti-bacterial in nature, beneficial for dandruff Here’s What Mustard Oil Can Prevent

How to Use Mustard Oil For Hair

1. Mustard Oil And Yogurt Pack

Mix yogurt and mustard oil in a bowl. Apply this mixture to your scalp. Wrap your hair in a hot towel and leave it for about 30-40 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo. This will soak the scalp and make the hair shiny and soft.

2. Mustard Oil And Aloe Vera Pack

In a bowl, mix a little mustard oil and aloe vera. Apply this mixture on hair and scalp. Leave it for an hour and wash with normal shampoo and conditioner. This will prevent hair loss.

3. Mustard Oil And Lemon Juice Pack

Take a small amount of mustard oil, lemon juice, and fenugreek powder in a bowl and mix all three well. Mix the same amount and apply it to the hair. Wash after one hour for soft, bouncy, and healthy hair.

4. Mustard Oil And Banana Pack

Make a pack of ripe bananas and mustard oil. You can add some yogurt to the mixture to dilute the consistency. Apply it on your scalp to prevent dry hair.

What are the precautions one should follow while Using Mustard Oil for Hair?

While using mustard oil on the hair regularly has many advantages, one should take the following precautions:

  • Perform a patch test before applying mustard oil to your hair or scalp.
  • For maximum results, apply mustard oil no more than three times each week.
  • Avoid leaving mustard oil for too long, as it may accumulate a lot of dust.


Q. Does mustard oil reduce hair fall?

Yes, mustard oil serves as a shield for the hair and prevents problems such as breakage because it has an appropriate ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and is enriched with vitamin E and antioxidants. It strengthens your hair from the roots and reduces hair fall and thinning.

Q. Can I apply mustard oil at night?

Yes, mustard oil can be applied and left on all night. Additionally, after a thorough massage with the oil, its warmth may help in sleeping well.

Q. Does mustard oil darken hair?

Yes, because of its organic colouring and conditioning characteristics, mustard oil is a natural alternative to conventional hair colours. Regular use of the mixture of henna and mustard oil has components that colour your grey hair without doing any harm.

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