Know How Jumping Rope Can Help to Shed Kilos | Wockhardt Hospitals

Know How Jumping Rope Can Help to Shed Kilos

Music jump rope is a special type of jump rope and is among the group of exercises that is performed with background music, where the participants must move their hands and feet to match the beat and tempo of the music

The Department of Physical Therapy, Korea Nazarene University, Republic of Korea (South Korea) in 2017 carried out an interesting study, titled “The effects of dance music jump rope exercise on pulmonary function and body mass index after music jump rope exercise in overweight adults in 20’s” and the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a dance music jump rope exercise on changes Pulmonary Function and body mass index in female overweight subjects in their 20’s.

Music jump rope is a special type of jump rope and is among the group of exercises that is performed with background music, where the participants must move their hands and feet to match the beat and tempo of the music. This is a type of exercise that enhances our body to control agility, endurance, quickness, and flexibility.

Four weeks after the experiment concluded pulmonary function and BMI measurements were conducted. The experimental group and control group showed significant differences in VC and BMI. The music jump rope exercise showed the improved circulation of the cardiovascular system through dynamic movements and strengthened deep breathing by activating the movement of the respiratory muscles to improve the circulation of breathing.

Diet and exercise therapies have been the main recommended treatments for obesity.

Exercise becomes the more tedious part as gyms and trainers are not always available or affordable. How about a rope that you could jump?

Jumping rope can definitely work miracles on and with your body, said Dr. Sumita Yadhav, Physiotherapist, Wockhardt Hospitals in Mumbai. Here’s what she explains:

It helps in:

  • Improves your stamina
  • Improve cardiovasular
  • Endurance and agility
  • Helps burn calorie
  • Tones your body

Different types of skipping should be used to give your body variety like one foot hope

  • Scissors
  • Sideway jump

But you have to be careful when u plan to use skipping as your daily fitness routine if you have arthritis, heart ailments, or lung problems.

Few things to keep in mind are:

  • Wooden flooring or mats would be safer for the legs…
  • Proceed gradually into the regime instead of rushing with the number of sets
  • Use a pair of good sports shoes
  • Use good supporting undergarments


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