Proctoscopy: What is Proctoscopy & Its Procedure? | Wockhardt Hospitals

Proctoscopy: What is Proctoscopy & Its Procedure?


Proctoscopy is medical procedure used to examine the anal cavity, rectum, or sigmoid colon with an instrument called a proctoscope. The procedure is also known as rectoscopy.

 The proctoscopy procedure is done prior to rectal surgery or conducted as part of a physical examination of a patient with haemorrhoids, rectal bleeding case, removal or monitor polyps, screening of cancer, cause for diarrhoea or constipation or other symptoms of a rectal disorder .

The meaning of proctoscopy technically means that it’s a visual medical procedure done through a hollow tube-like speculum for inspection of the rectum and anal cavity.

Proctoscopy Procedure:

Ensure that the rectum is cleaned by an enema before the procedure. The procedure is done in the opd and does not require anaesthesia. The doctor will use a lubricating agent before to examine the rectum and then insert the proctoscope .Air is introduced to help doctor see well for any lesions. 

Proctoscopy Side Effects:

Complications are rare you may experience rectal bleeding as a result of the insertion of the proctoscope or infection.

If you any further queries regarding this procedure or if you have been advised the procedure, based on symptoms you have experienced, please contact Wockhardt Hospitals.

Wockhardt Hospitals, a chain of tertiary care super-specialty hospitals has more than 25 years of experience in the creation and management of Super Specialty Hospitals in India.

We are a premiere hospital in the country specializing in the treatment of digestive disorders. We provide comprehensive orthopaedic care to our patients. The digestive care centre at Wockhardt Hospitals makes it a centre for excellence with our clinical expertise, to treat such conditions affecting the digestive system.  For further information or any gastroenterology medical related query visit our experts at Wockhardt Hospitals.

Wockhardt Hospitals is regarded  as a centre of excellence the healthcare domain,  having facilities in North Mumbai (Mira road), South Mumbai (Mumbai Central), Navi Mumbai (Vashi), Nagpur, Nasik, Rajkot and Surat. Wockhardt Hospitals has state-of-the-art infrastructure. Our prime objective is patient safety and quality of care at all levels. The guiding philosophy is to serve and enrich the Quality of Life of patients and to make life win.

What is Sigmoidoscopy?

Sigmoidoscopy is a diagnostic procedure used in gastroenterology. The definition of sigmoidoscopy simple means a medical examination of the sigmoid colon with a flexible tube which is inserted through the anus. A sigmoidoscopy is also called flexible sigmoidoscopy. A sigmoidoscopy is used also a general screening tool for colon cancer.

Difference Between Sigmoidoscopy vs Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy use a thin flexible tube with a camera at the end to look at the colon.  The difference between colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy is the portion of the colon viewed. Colonoscopy examines the entire colon, while sigmoidoscopy CAN ONLY view the left side of the colon. The latter is an easier procedure and sedation is not required. A colonoscopy detects a complete view of the colon which the sigmoidoscopy can miss and the preparation for the patient.

What is Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

Flexible sigmoidoscopy (flexible endoscope) can be defined as a procedure by which a gastroenterologist examines the rectum and the lower (sigmoid) colon. It is flexible tube around 60 cm long with minimal thickness. During the procedure tissue sample are taken to diagnose ulcers, abnormal cells, polyps and cancer.

What is the Sigmoidoscopy Procedure?

Generally any patient who is complains of altered bowel habits, rectal bleeding, abdominal pain or unexplained weight loss can be advised a sigmoidoscopy.

  1. An enema or a laxative is given a few hours before the procedure to empty the bowels.
  2. After a medical examination you will asked to lie on your left side on an examination table and   a thin, flexible tube called a sigmoidoscope will be inserted into your anus.
  3. The procedure does not require anaesthesia.
  4. The sigmoidoscope has a light and a very small camera on the end so images can be transmitted onto a monitor for the gastroenterologist to view the details of the colon Air will also inflate your colon with to make it easier to examine from the tube. You might
  5. The procedure is not painful but you may feel uncomfortable. Procedure takes around mins and generally there are no complications, slight bleeding may occur.
  6. Small pieces of tissue might be removed for further examination AND SENT FOR INVESTIGATION. Polys and growths are also looked for.

Wockhardt Hospitals, a chain of tertiary care super-specialty hospitals has more than 25 years of experience in the creation and management of Super Specialty Hospitals in India.

We are a premiere hospital in the country specializing in the treatment of digestive disorders. We provide comprehensive orthopaedic care to our patients. The digestive care centre at Wockhardt Hospitals makes it a centre for excellence with our clinical expertise, to treat such conditions affecting the digestive system.  For further information or any gastroenterology medical related query visit our experts at Wockhardt Hospitals.

Wockhardt Hospitals is regarded  as a centre of excellence the healthcare domain,  having facilities in North Mumbai (Mira road), South Mumbai (Mumbai Central), Navi Mumbai (Vashi), Nagpur, Nasik, Rajkot and Surat. Wockhardt Hospitals has state-of-the-art infrastructure. Our prime objective is patient safety and quality of care at all levels. The guiding philosophy is to serve and enrich the Quality of Life of patients and to make life win.

FAQs on Proctoscopy

Q. What is the proctoscopy test price in India?

In India, the cost of a proctoscopy test usually varies between ₹1500 and ₹5000, based on the location of the hospital, the need for additional procedures, and consultation charges. Prices can vary depending on factors, such as whether biopsy, anesthesia, or consultation expenses are included.

Q. Why is a proctoscopy done?

A proctoscopy, also referred to as a rigid sigmoidoscopy technique, provides an internal view of the anal canal and rectum. It is usually performed to identify the presence of hemorrhoids, polyps, tumors, and inflammation.

Q. Is proctoscopy done in fissure?

Yes, proctoscopy can be used to evaluate fissures. It provides direct visualization of the anal canal and rectum, aiding in the diagnosis, severity assessment, and identification of any underlying medical conditions, such as hemorrhoids or inflammatory bowel disease, that may contribute to fissure formation.

Q. What is the difference between a colonoscopy and a proctoscopy?

The colon is observed using a colonoscope in a process known as ‘colonoscopy,’ while the observation of the anus and rectum takes place through proctoscopy. A colonoscope is an instrument that is inserted through the rectum, resembling a proctoscope. To visualize every area of the colon, it is longer and more flexible.

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