A Minimal Invasive Surgery for Mitral Valve in Heart | Wockhardt Hospitals

A Minimal Invasive surgery for mitral valve in Heart

A minimal Invasive surgery for mitral valve in heart was successfully performed on 2 patients at Wockhardt Hospitals Mumbai Central.

Minimal Invasive Surgery is rarely done in Mumbai but it is widely known to overall world.

Mumbai: A team lead by Dr. Mangesh Kohale, Cardio Thoriac Surgeon at Wockhardt Hospital, SOBO performed a minimal invasive surgery for 2 patients; 65-year-old Ms Ridhhi Shah (Name Changed) and 56-year-old Mr. Ganesh Tare (Name Changed). Minimal Invasive Surgery is a newer form of heart surgery in India. It is a relatively new and advanced technique of performing coronary bypass for the treatment of coronary heart diseases. In this technique, the heart is approached through the side of via a small 4- 6 cm incision. This cut is placed just under the nipple. The chest is entered between the ribs without cutting any bones and by splitting the muscle.

Ms. Riddhi Shah (name Changed) had a complaint of breathlessness. An 2decho was done which revealed mitral valve disease hence advised replacement treatment. Dr Mangesh Kohale and team performed minimal invasive mitral valve replacement surgery with a 6cm small incessive below right side of the chest. Whereas a 56-year-old Mr. Ganesh Tare (Name Changed) had a severe chest pain from last 2 months and critical 90% blockage of main artery. Similarly, Dr Kohale performed minimal invasive bypass surgery from left side of the chest with 6cm incision.

The number of elderly patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) and valve replacement continue to increase. In both the case Dr Kohale have performed minimal invasive surgery which is new in Mumbai. Minimal Invasive surgery is not for each and every patient, one has to be very choosey while selecting the patient as there is a very small area to look inside heart and regarding job done, Selection of patient is most important. As of now 15-20% routine surgery patients can be done with minimal invasive surgery later it might increase.

Dr Mangesh Kohale, Cardio Thoriac Surgeon at Wockhardt Hospitals in Mumbai says “Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery has several advantages over the traditional technique such as the fact that no bones are cut. It has advantages in reducing pain, and a patient can live back to normal life including driving or other activities, blood loss is almost negligible eliminating blood transfusion in most and eliminating blood borne infection. This makes the procedure ideal in diabetics and older patients who have poor resistance to infection.”

A cardiac surgery in India that was conventionally non-cosmetic is getting cosmetic with an incision of just 5–6 cm. All these benefits, put together, make for very short hospitalizations and recoveries. The best part is that all the blocks, irrespective of their location in the heart, can be bypassed in a safe and predictable manner.” Adds Dr Mangesh

Mr. Ganesh Tare Patient says, “We are happy with minimal invasive surgery. We are back to our routine life with less pain. We are thankful to Dr. Mangesh who explained us procedure and made us understand pro and cons of surgery.”

Source : http://www.newspatrolling.com/a-minimal-invasive-surgery-for-mitral-valve-in-heart-was-successfully-performed/

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