Does The COVID Vaccine Affect Menstruation? - Wockhardt

Does The COVID Vaccine Affect Menstruation?

Menstural Cycle

The coronavirus, despite having been around since 2019, is still an unknown entity on all of the symptoms and risks it and its mutations entail. The vaccine for it, which has been brought about after a speedy R&D, is also something people are wary of. But as the government, scientists, and medical fraternity have been saying time and again, there is nothing to be scared of with the vaccine. Everyone eligible should register and get vaccinated! With the registrations opening up for the 18 to 45 age bracket too, one question that has arisen amongst the younger women is whether the vaccine affects one’s menstrual cycle. Here’s what these expert doctors have to say.

“There are myths floating online that the COVID-19 vaccine will affect the menstrual cycle. This is a myth and needs to be debunked,” says Dr. Mangala Patil, Consultant Obstetrician, and Gynaecologist, Wockhardt Hospital, Mira Road. “There was a message circulating on social media which said that menstruation ‘lowers’ the immunity of a woman. Taking a vaccine, five days before, during, or after your periods won’t be safe and may not garner a sufficient response. This is a rumor,” clarifies Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, Consultant, Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Motherhood Hospital, Kharghar. Dr. Vaishali Joshi, a senior Obstetrician & Gynecologist at Kokilaben Ambani Hospital, Mumbai, adds, “COVID infection itself doesn’t affect menstrual cycle or flow. Any viral illness unless it is severe or critical usually doesn’t affect periods or hormones.”

The “COVID-19 vaccine is safe for menstruating women in every manner. There is no study or claim to validate that the vaccine is harmful to women during their periods. Millions of women have already gotten vaccinated and didn’t record any reactions. The vaccine safe and should be taken. Also, avoid rescheduling vaccination if you are on your period. Avoid falling prey to these fake posts,” Dr. Siddhanta asserts. To that, Dr. Patil adds, “Women above 18 irrespective of their period cycles and hormonal status should get vaccinated, apart from pregnant women who aren’t listed to get vaccinated. Periods have nothing to do with your immunity.”


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