Electric Buzzing Feeling in Body: Feet, Toes, Hands, Fingers, Arms, and Legs | Wockhardt Hospitals

Electric Buzzing Feeling in Body: Feet, Toes, Hands, Fingers, Arms, and Legs: Anxiety

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You can have a buzzing, shaking, vibrating, or trembling sensation in your feet, toes, hands, fingers, arms, legs, or even across your entire body. This sensation may be infrequent, regular, or chronic, and it may affect only one portion of your body or move over the body. There isn’t much we can do to prevent this symptom from occurring because it typically occurs involuntarily. While some people may be able to manage this feeling by calming down or by tightening and relaxing their muscles, this isn’t a symptom that we can control very often. While some people only feel this when they move their hands, feet, arms, or legs, others feel it constantly and independently of movement.

Another possibility is that the stiff muscles are merely responding to the body’s hormones. Hormones and nerves directly affect muscles, and if any or both of these systems operate improperly, it may be because of how the chemicals in their environment have affected them. One of the worst things you can do when you have anxiety is Google your symptoms. You’ll discover that neurological ailments like MS and ALS are what lead to problems like buzzing and many other kinds of disorders.

If you have concerns about any new or changing symptoms, you should always consult a doctor. But don’t worry—these ailments are uncommon, and your doctor is likely to be skilled at spotting them. Make sure you are not causing yourself more worry by researching all of your symptoms and convincing yourself you have the worst possible condition.

What Causes the Buzzing Sensation in Feet, Hands, Toes, and Fingers?

Another possibility is that the stiff muscles are merely responding to the body’s hormones. Hormones and nerves directly affect muscles, and if any or both of these systems operate improperly, it may be because of how the chemicals in their environment have affected them. One of the worst things you can do when you have anxiety is Google your symptoms. You’ll discover that neurological ailments like MS and ALS are what lead to problems like buzzing and many other kinds of disorders.

If you have concerns about any new or changing symptoms, you should always consult a doctor. But don’t worry—these ailments are uncommon, and your doctor is likely to be skilled at spotting them. Make sure you are not causing yourself more worry by researching all of your symptoms and convincing yourself you have the worst possible condition.

An electric buzzing sensation in the human body can be caused by a range of causes ranging from non-severe to serious issues, such as: 

  • Nerve Irritation: Nerve irritation is a primary cause underlying the sensation of electric buzzing in the body. This can be due to several reasons, which include nerve damage, compression, or inflammation.
  • Neurological Disorders: In some cases, patients experience sensory disturbances caused by nerve damage, such as those seen in conditions like multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, and peripheral neuropathy. These disturbances may manifest as unusual sensations, including buzzing.
  • Anxiety or Stress: Severe levels of anxiety or tension frequently exhibit in the body, usually leading to a numb or buzzing feeling from the increased activity levels of the nervous system.
  • Pinched Nerves: An electric shock-like feeling often arises from pressure on the nerves, which commonly comes about because of bad posture, repeated motion or misalignment of the back.
  • Issues with Circulation: Nerve function impairment and electric buzzing feelings can be caused by harmful changes in blood flow, which are often accompanied by diseases, e.g., peripheral artery disease.
  • Adverse Effects of Medication: A typical adverse effect of several medications, especially psychotropic ones (antidepressants, mood stabilizers, anxiety meds, etc.), is buzzing in the extremities.
  • Lack of Sleep: In addition to this, sleep deprivation can make a patient more sensitive to buzzing symptoms. Lack of sleep causes high amounts of cortisol production in the blood, an effective stress hormone that also impacts and excites the body, and mainly the nervous system.
  • Electrolyte Imbalance: The abnormally high or low levels of electrolytes in the body, which include calcium or potassium, can cause unusual feelings and impaired nerve activity.

How Do You Get Rid of the Buzzing Feet, Hands, Toes, and Fingers?

The buzzing feeling brought on by anxiety is still being studied by specialists. It is thought to have something to do with how hormones react to long-term, consistent stress in your body. The most effective strategy to halt the feelings is to deal with your anxiety.

Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

Drug therapy and psychotherapy are the two primary therapies for anxiety disorders. Combining these two tests may yield the best results if you’re experiencing buzzing as a result of anxiety. Exploring a few different therapies until you find the ones that work best for you may be necessary.


Psychotherapy, also referred to as talk therapy or psychological counseling, is working with a therapist to lessen the feelings of anxiety that you experience. It could work well as an anxiety therapy. For anxiety disorders, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most successful type of psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), often a short-term treatment, teaches specific methods to help you manage symptoms and gradually resume activities you may have avoided due to anxiety.

Exposure therapy is an additional form of therapy that aims to address the underlying concerns leading to anxiety disorders. It involves facilitating your interaction with things or circumstances you may have been avoiding. Additionally, your practitioner may combine exposure treatment with visualization and relaxation techniques.


Depending on the type of anxiety disorder you have and whether you also have other physical or mental health conditions, various types of drugs can help reduce symptoms. For example:

  • Anxiety problems are also treated with several antidepressants.
  • One possible prescription is for buspirone, an anti-anxiety drug.
  • In certain situations, your doctor could recommend beta blockers or sedatives, among other kinds of drugs. The purpose of these drugs is to provide momentary relief from anxiety symptoms; long-term usage is not recommended.

Dr. Sonal Anand
Consultant – Psychiatrist
Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road

To book an appointment call: +918108101104

FAQs on Electric Buzzing Feeling in Body

Q. What causes an electric buzzing feeling in the body?

Any sensation of “buzzing” anywhere on or in the body might be caused by stress. Not everyone experiences tingling in their extremities the same way, although anxiety and panic episodes can contribute to such sensations. Additionally, neurological disorders, including multiple sclerosis, nerve irritation or compression, and adverse drug reactions affecting the nervous system, can all lead to an electric buzzing sensation throughout the body.

Q. What are the symptoms of vibration?

Vibration syndrome affects the nervous system and circulation in the fingers. Warning signs and symptoms include discomfort, blanching (becoming pale and ashen), and numbness. These symptoms may necessitate a medical examination for an accurate diagnosis and course of therapy, and they may vary depending on the underlying cause of the vibration sensation.

Q. What are the different types of vibrations in the human body?

Physiological vibrations from the respiratory or circulatory systems, pathological vibrations from neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, and external vibrations from factors like machinery or transportation are some of the various types of vibrations that occur in the human body. For an accurate diagnosis and suitable treatment of related illnesses, it is essential to comprehend the origin and kind of vibrations.

Q. When should I be concerned about experiencing electric buzzing in the body?

If you are experiencing continuous, intense, or concurrent electric buzzing throughout your body, along with other unsettling symptoms like weakness, lack of feeling, or coordination difficulties, it is a cause for concern. Seeking medical assistance is advisable to obtain proper therapy and to rule out any significant underlying illnesses, such as neurological diseases or nerve damage.

Q. Why is vibration a serious health issue?

Vibration exposure, especially prolonged exposure, primarily leads to two health problems: damage to blood vessels, body tissues, and the nervous system in the fingers, hands, and arms from segmental vibration, caused by high-frequency vibration, and damage to body organs from whole-body vibration, a function of high-intensity vibration. Due to its potential to induce nerve damage, musculoskeletal problems like vibration white finger or carpal tunnel syndrome, and long-term disability in affected individuals, vibration can pose a severe health concern.

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