How much protein, iron-calcium does the body need daily? Know expert opinion - Wockhardt

How much protein, iron-calcium does the body need daily? Know expert opinion

Protein Requirement in Body

The dietary requirements of women are different from those of men. Yes, you read it right. Men require more calories and protein than women. Therefore, experts are giving advice on what nutritional components are necessary to include in a regular diet for men and women.

When it comes to health, it should not be taken lightly. So you can take the help of a nutritionist and follow a balanced diet. Nutrition plays an important role in both men and women. Good food helps reduce the risk of diseases, allergies, and infections and improves metabolism. Good nutrition can help you boost immunity and maintain optimum weight.

However, most men and women are confused when it comes to following the right kind of nutrition. There are many doubts regarding nutrition. It is very important to clear all the misconceptions related to this. Riya Desai, Senior Dietitian at Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai Telling you what kind of food you should take to stay healthy.

Men need more calories

Men have more muscles than women. It is a known fact that maintaining muscle mass requires more calories. Therefore, men require more calories than women. In addition to differences in body type and body composition, the calories required by a person also depend on their height and current body weight, and the type of lifestyle the individual has. For example, a man doing a desk job needs fewer calories. So, even though we say that men require more calories, other factors are also taken into account and the calorie intake always varies. That’s why you need to take the advice of an expert.

Women need more calcium

It is important to have more calcium in the body of women because calcium helps to make bones and teeth strong. Women are more prone to osteoporosis than men because calcium and estrogen levels in the body decrease after menopause. To reduce the chance of bone fractures, women need calcium and vitamin D. Consume more low-fat milk and milk products, dark green leafy vegetables like nachni, rajgira, spinach, kale, beetroot, broccoli, tofu, soybean, and its by-products. Eat foods rich in vitamin D such as soy milk, mushrooms, fatty fish, fortified cereals, oils, and eggs.

Women need more iron

Women are more prone to anemia due to iron deficiency. A major factor influencing iron status is menstruation. As women menstruate, they become deficient in iron and are more prone to anemia if women do not pay attention to their diet. The deficiency of iron in the body can cause cramps, fatigue, inability to concentrate, and difficulty in breathing in women.

What is iron found in

Women should include beans, peas, and lentils, sprouts, and pulses, dry fruits like raisins and dates, dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, mint, fresh coriander, cauliflower greens, and vegetables like pumpkin, sesame, and nuts in their regular diet. Due to this, the body gets more amount of iron.

Men need more protein

Calorie and protein requirements vary from person to person. Therefore, men should consult an expert about the right amount of protein. Women should also ask the specialist and take it only after that. Excess protein puts an extra load on the kidney. Therefore, take expert advice before consuming protein in excess.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more details.

Riya Desai
Senior Dietitian
Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai

To book an appointment call: +918291101001


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