These 6 things prove paneer is a superfood that needs to be on your plate daily - Wockhardt

These 6 things prove paneer is a superfood that needs to be on your plate daily

Paneer, a type of Indian cheese, is a delight for every vegetarian. What’s more, it is high in nutritive value with its rich content of calcium and protein. Paneer provides instant energy to the body, and aids in various bodily functions. That’s why it should be part of your daily diet and even more so if you are a vegetarian since it’s a major source of protein.

Moreover, it is rich in selenium and potassium which can work wonders for your mental as well as physical health. You see, potassium helps in curbing memory loss and selenium helps with infertility issues. Paneer is also a rich source of calcium that helps in strengthening the teeth and bones. 

We talked to Amreen Shaikh, head dietician and nutritionist at Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai, and she explained the importance of paneer in the diet of a vegetarian:Paneer is damn tasty, but it is even healthier. Image courtesy: Shutterstock.

“As a source of protein, paneer has to be a part of your daily diet. But that doesn’t mean you consume it in any form. Make sure you try to eat healthy dishes such as scrambled paneer, paneer tikka, or any form of pan-fried paneer instead of  paneer butter masala or shahi paneer if your aim is to lose weight or gain muscle mass.”

She said: “You can consume paneer in small portions throughout the day without having to worry about gaining weight. Its low level of lactose makes it bearable for some lactose-intolerant people as well, even though not all of them.”

Let’s take a look at some nutrition facts about paneer

Every 100 grams of paneer contains 265 calories, 20.8 grams of fat, 1.2 grams of total carbohydrate. 18.3 grams of protein and 208 mg of calcium. 

People who undergo weight training in the gym need to consume large amounts of protein. Since paneer is loaded with protein, it makes for a great source of protein and the good part is that it also keeps hunger at bay. 

People who end up eating too frequently benefit from paneer since it curbs the cravings by making you feel full for a long period of time.

What are the benefits of eating paneer?

1. Builds strong teeth and bones
Paneer is loaded with calcium that helps in building strong teeth, bones, and muscles. Paneer keeps gum decay at bay. It also prevents tooth cavities since the level of lactose in paneer is really low.

2. Improves body’s metabolism
Paneer releases the much-needed calories which provide the consumer with instant energy. It also helps in improving body metabolism as the insulin remains under control. With greater body metabolism, digestion also improves and doesn’t allow the fat to settle in the body. Paneer is a great source of linoleic acid that helps in burning body fat.

3. Reduces body and joint pain
Paneer contains omega-three and omega-six fatty acids which help in combating arthritis and hence, benefits those suffering from joint pain. The presence of omega-three can also prove to be beneficial for pregnant women as it reduces the chances of stillbirth and disorders. For vegetarians, paneer is the major source of omega-three and six in the body.

4. Prevents stroke
Potassium content in paneer keeps the blood pressure from fluctuating and helps reduce the risk of stroke. Stroke is caused when there is a high flow of blood to the brain. It also retains fluids that prevent muscle cramps. This benefits sportspersons who always need high fluid intake.

5. Improves immune system
It improves the haemoglobin content in the body and is very useful for kids as those are the years when they develop an immune system.

6. Improves skin
The presence of selenium helps the person to get glowing skin. So, try adding paneer to your daily diet to get a glowing skin without subjecting it to chemicals.
So, ladies, here are all the wonderful reasons to convince you that you need paneer on your plate every single day to be healthy.

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