Celebrating the work of doctors on "Doctor's Day" @ Wockhardt - Wockhardt

Celebrating the work of doctors on “Doctor’s Day” @ Wockhardt

Dear Doctors,

As our nation celebrates Doctor’s Day 2021, I am both honored and delighted to have the opportunity to celebrate each of you. You indeed are an integral part of the Wockhardt family.

We at Wockhardt Hospitals have always cherished and nurtured a deep bond with the doctor fraternity that enables us to deliver patient-centered care and the finest clinical outcomes.  I salute the 1,200 doctors that work with us at our group hospitals and more than 8,000 community doctors that support us in various capacities. Your selfless service, dedication, and hard work have ensured that “Life Wins” – Always!

Today as we continue to reveal your immense contributions to individuals and communities, I can’t think of a more compelling year to honor the doctors in our lives based on the irreplaceable role they played in responding to the pandemic. In the last 18 months, starting with a limited understanding of how to treat COVID-19, doctors across the country and globally persisted under immense stress to seek a better understanding of the virus and identify effective therapies, all the while exposing themselves to the virus they were valiantly working to treat. As reported by Indian Medical Association, more than 1,100 doctors have even sacrificed their own lives in the line of duty. Humanity will always be grateful to them and Wockhardt hails their courage.

It is because of the efforts of our doctors and healthcare workers that Wockhardt has been able to treat more than 12,500 COVID-19 patients so far and it is now working together to distribute vaccines in the community having inoculated more than 100,000 people.  With a Focus on supporting the nation to steer through this pandemic, Wockhardt Hospitals and its doctors have not shied away from looking after the non-COVID patients. Our highly knowledgeable and experienced infection control team has done an outstanding job in segregating COVID and non-COVID patients and treatment facilities instilling confidence in the community.

On behalf of Wockhardt Hospitals, I wholeheartedly acknowledge your contributions, sacrifices, skills, and unwavering concern for patients and look forward to continue working with you to deliver clinical excellence.

Thank you for all that you do.

Happy Doctor’s Day,

Zahabiya Khorakiwala
Managing Director
Wockhardt Hospitals

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