Doctors Saved 24 years Old in a Highly Skilled Procedure | Wockhardt Hospitals

Doctors Saved 24 years Old in a Highly Skilled Procedure

Opted for the endoscopic procedure instead of surgery

In a highly skilled and complex procedure, the life of a 24-year-old patient was saved in Wockhardt Hospitals in Nagpur.

After a road accident, the patient had a ruptured Oesophagus (food pipe), a fracture in the facial bones & skull.

Dr Piyush Marudwar, Consultant- Gastroenterology, who was primarily treating the patient, repaired the ruptured food pipe. Dr Rahul Zamad, Consultant- Neuro Surgery, operated on the damaged skull bone and Dr Parikshit  Janai, Consultant- Plastic Surgery, repaired the damaged facial bones.

The patient hailing from Jabalpur was brought to the emergency department of Wockhardt Hospitals where he was initially stabilised by giving primary care.  When he came to Wockhardt Emergency room, he was not completely conscious, his O2 level was low.

He had a head injury with bleeding from the nose, convulsions and vomiting. Due to a rupture in the food pipe, air and fluid leaked into his chest cavity which further got infected. He was started on O2 support and other supportive care and was admitted under Dr Piyush Marudwar.

The same morning Dr Marudwar did UGI endoscopy and site of perforation in Oesophagus using the life-saving, advanced procedure and the latest technique called Full Thickness over the scope Clipping and sealed the perforation.

This case was more challenging as the site of perforation was very high up in Oesophagus. Major Surgery was avoided using this latest endoscopic technique. The next day Using a CT scan, it was confirmed that perforation was sealed completely, so he was started on an oral diet.

Tricky Facial bone Fracture Surgery was done by Dr Parikshit Janai, to avoid facial deformity in a young boy of 24 years old. Dr Rahul repaired the skull base using innovative endoscopic skull base repair.

The patient also had Meningitis (infection of brain coverings).  Meningitis was treated using Epidural and Intravenous antibiotics with the help of Dr Vaibhav Agrawal who is a consultant Physician and Intensives. In good centres across the world Survival rate with this type of meningitis is only 20-30 %.

This patient recovered from all of this and was discharged successfully from the Hospital.

Dr Piyush Marudwar
Consultant- Gastroenterology
Wockhardt Hospitals, Nagpur

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