Awareness Campaign on Hand Hygiene | Wockhardt Hospitals

Awareness Campaign on Hand Hygiene

Wockhardt Hospital Hand Hygiene Campaign

World Hand Hygiene Day was recently celebrated at Wockhardt Hospitals in Mira Road. Various engagement activities such as hand hygiene performance challenges, educational videos on hand hygiene, and the hand hygiene premier league accelerated the celebration. The motto was to spread awareness about the importance of hand hygiene practices among the patients, relatives, visitors, staff, and the community to offer protection from the COVID pandemic.

Dr. Susheela Chaurasia, Infection Control Officer, Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road said, “We are committed to educating the society by conducting various campaigns, drives, and initiatives. World Hand Hygiene day Celebration included interesting activities like Wockhardt Hand hygiene Premier League – Healthcare Providers (doctors and nurses) are aware of effective hand hygiene practice (i.e. adherence to moments of hand hygiene, time, and steps); this was an intra-departmental competition on effective hand hygiene on the workstation. Those departments with the highest compliance were rewarded.”

Prabha, Manager- Quality, added, “Theme for this year given by WHO is- To achieve effective hand hygiene action at the point of care, all our activities were intended at promoting effective hand hygiene at all applicable incidences. Activities included a digital hand hygiene challenge (#HandHygiene)- sharing creative and innovative thoughts to promote hand hygiene in the community as a post on the social media account, hand hygiene awareness sessions in small groups for the staff and patients, and educational videos were played regarding hand hygiene practices. While doing all activities, social distancing and other COVID appropriate behavior were ensured.”

“We are planning to cover every section of society via this 7-day campaign that started yesterday. We are making efforts so that the campaign reaches the maximum number of people who benefit from it. Many people have participated in the campaign and have shot videos and taken pictures of handwashing and have posted on their social media accounts with the hashtag #handhygiene challenge. Today, the entire world is fighting the pandemic and effective hand hygiene is one of the important measures to ensure that we are protected against COVID. Various activities conducted at the hospital were like a stress-buster in these unprecedented times. Let’s pledge to “Practice effective hand hygiene, Mentor for Clean Hands, & be a Champion,” concluded Chandini, Infection Control & Prevention Nurse, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road.


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