Successfully Discharged Premature Twin Boys born at 25 Weeks of Gestation | Wockhardt Hospitals

Successfully Discharged Premature Twin Boys born at 25 Weeks of Gestation

Twins Born at 25 Weeks

A team headed by Dr Nitu Mundhra, Consultant Neonatologist, Paediatrician and Lactation Expert, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road gave a new lease of life to premature twins born at 25 weeks of gestation. The twins having various complications related to prematurity were discharged after 3months from the NICU. Now, the twins are neurologically normal, are on Breastfeeding and growing well.

Mr Mathew works in NGO by profession & Mrs Mathew, a homemaker resident of Mira Road had a difficult conception and was finally conceived after failed conception. They were overjoyed due to the first pregnancy. But their happiness was short-lived as the mothers’ water broke suddenly and the babies were prematurely born.

Dr Nitu Mundhra, Consultant Neonatologist paediatrician, and Lactation expert, Wockhardt Hospitals in Mira Road said, “Two babies were born at 25 weeks of gestation that is 6 months. After an IVF conception through normal delivery. The mother had preterm labour and on June 1 when the couple arrived, we planned to conserve it but the mother progressed into labour in the middle of 1.30 am at night. The twins were delivered with utmost precautions by our ob-gyn team and taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The babies arrived before 15 weeks and needed a longer NICU stay.  Both the babies were AROUND 800 gm and started with a CPAP machine and needed short intubation and ventilation. For their overall growth and development, the babies were kept in an incubator to protect them from excessive cold. We took strict measures to keep infections at bay and provided nutrition. We supported their lung, and gut health by trying to stimulate a maternal environment.

The second twin discharged early had suffered issues related to prematurity like the long requirement of oxygen. He was discharged on day 97 without any eye or hearing or neurological problems.  Now, twin 2 weighs 3.6 kgs and is doing well.”

Dr Mundhra added, “Twin 1 was doing well initially. But, after a month he developed a complication CALLED Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a condition that is seen due to an injury or damage to the intestinal tract, causing the death of intestinal tissue. The baby had feed intolerance and abdomen swelling. But this baby too was a fighter. Later, the baby had some feeding issues. Because of it, he was discharged on day 135 of life.

On follow-up, both babies were breastfeeding. Despite being in the NICU for 3 more than 3 months, the babies were taken good care of. The parents also practised kangaroo care and participated actively in taking care of their babies. Both babies are achieving developmental milestones of their age. Would like to appreciate the parents of the babies who remained calm and composed and showed faith in our team.”

“Initially, we were worried about the management of our babies. But our babies were monitored closely and the entire team of doctors took good care of them despite having complications. We were taught about Kangaroo care and the right kind of nutrition for the baby. All the developments related to health were closely managed by the NICU team. We thank the doctor for saving the lives of our babies,” said Mr Mathew, father of the babies.

Dr Nitu Mundhra
Consultant Neonatologist
Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road

To book an appointment call: +918108101104


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