International Stuttering Awareness Day: 22 October, 2024 | Wockhardt Hospitals

International Stuttering Awareness Day: 22 October, 2024

International Stuttering Awareness Day is an annual celebration held every year October 22. It was first held in the UK and Ireland, in 1998.

The heart begins to beat more quickly and energy is produced in the body when we are feeling emotional, thrilled, or the need to express ourselves. As a result, some people experience stuttering or stammering issues, especially while speaking in front of many people. Stuttering opens up a whole new world of anxiety, fear, unfavorable feelings, and avoidance tactics. It is a speech disorder that can impact people of all ages, especially children. We’re revealing tips to stop stuttering on World Stuttering Awareness Day. You can also adhere to these tips to assist someone else.

How to Stop Stuttering?

Both biological and psychological factors contribute to stuttering. It is incredibly intricate, and everyone stutters differently. So far, there isn’t a perfect treatment for stuttering. However, with the use of speech therapy, you can learn to control or significantly overcome your stuttering.

Health Shots got in touch with Dr. Ehteshaam Khatri, Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road, Mumbai, to understand what triggers stuttering and how one can manage it.

Risk Factors of Stuttering, According to Dr. Khatri:

1. Abnormalities in one’s speech motor control: According to research, abnormalities in speech motor control like timing, and sensory and motor coordination lead to stuttering.

2. Genetics: Stuttering is seen in families. You will be shocked to know that it appears that stuttering can result from inherited (genetic) abnormalities.

3. Neurogenic stuttering happens due to a stroke or even a traumatic brain injury.

4. Delayed childhood development and stress can also be the cause of stuttering. It will be imperative for you to seek timely attention for stuttering. Do not take this lightly or dismiss it thinking it is a common problem.

Here’s How you Can Help Someone Who’s Struggling with the Problem of Stuttering:

1. Stay relaxed

To stop stuttering or stammering, it’s really important that the person stay as calm as possible. Don’t stress them out and don’t make them feel anxious. Instead, try to maintain a relaxed atmosphere at home.

2. Let them complete their talk

Don’t make them feel sorry for speaking several times a day (such as at the family time and at mealtimes) while listening to them without interruption. Instead of that, ask them to try to speak slowly and clearly, so that they can say whatever they want to.

3. Listen to them

Don’t ghost them while listening. Stuttering is a speech disorder to try to pay attention to what the person is saying instead of how they are saying it.

4. Boost confidence

Someone who stutters needs to be confident and patient. You can help your child learn to do things, praise your child on his/her small achievements but do it wisely, be a good parent, avoid criticism, focus on strengths, and connect with a doctor for help.

5. Avoid the triggers

Avoid instances that are likely to cause the person to stutter more. Breathing exercises can help one manage stress and anxiety issues.

6. Communicate with them

Don’t make the person who stutters feel awkward. Try to work together with one who stutters. This will help the person to enhance his self-esteem.

Dr. Ehteshaam Khatri
Consultant Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist
Wockhardt Hospitals, Mira Road

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